Get Paid for the Content You Create!

Your work is valuable. Shouldn’t you get paid for it?

You’ve found your niche. You’ve developed your brand. Your content is being shared across social networks. Now it’s just time to sit back and wait for a book deal…

Doesn’t sound like the best business strategy, does it? But it’s a problem more and more publishers are facing. With all due respect to South Park, too many content creators have put their all eggs in a basket such as this:

1) Create awesome content that everyone loves
2) ?
3) Profit!

nibl lets you take the question mark out of the equation. You set the price for your premium content and change it whenever you want. Ten cents for an advance listen of your latest song? Five bucks for a complete archive of your vegan recipes? How about 99 cents for a high-quality photograph?  Or maybe you want to give today’s video away for free. Your options are limitless.

People are viewing your content every day. Let it go to work for you and earn money through nibl.